Saturday, May 11, 2024

Skyway Association Firewise Meeting

Please join The Skyway Association to learn about current mitigation efforts in our area and sign up for free chipping (dates below). 

Thursday, June 20, 2024 
6:00–8:00 p.m. 
Gold Hill Police Station Community Room 
955 West Moreno Avenue

Skyway in its entirety plus Bear Creek and Midland neighborhoods' free chipping dates in 2024 are: 

July 29–August 2 
October 21–25 

You must follow their guidelines or your stacks will not be picked up. 

See for the following info: 

• Living with Wildfire town hall meeting dates and locations 
• Citywide chipping schedule 
• Chipping-prep guidelines 
• Mitigation stipend info and a list of CSFD-approved tree-cutting contractors

Saturday, March 30, 2024

If You'd Like More Info about Our Government

Hello, neighbors,

For information I do not forward, you may sign up for other organizations' correspondences. See links below. I've not forwarded much info in past years, because of the volume of actions these organizations, including the Skyway Association and Historic Neighborhoods Partnership, take to reign in our often-cunning government actions—city, county, and state. Frankly, it's exasperating.

The legislature is slippery, and you might awaken one morning to learn that statewide single-family zoning (R1) is no more—gone—and everyone can have another house on their lot—which could become an STR. This issue is again on the docket. Recall many of you writing to your legislators last year about SB23-213? Well, it's back, even though we're already overbuilt for our population, state demographers have found.

Is there any information I do not send you that you're interested in, such as:
city actions,local concerns [protecting our bears on garbage day, i.e., container out, container in on trash pickup day],
  • short-term rentals [STRs = Aibnb, VRBO, etc., via Neighborhood Preservation Alliance of Colorado Springs], 
  • accessory dwelling units [ADUs = another house on one, single lot],*
    fire-evacuation concerns [Westside Watch], 
  • development [City Planning, City Council, Planning Commission via Integrity Matters],
  • House and Senate bills in the hopper, about which you may want to write your legislator [Find My Legislator,],**
    but of course CS Police Department [Would you like to see monthly video summaries?],
  • and CS Fire Department.
  • Very few emailings is my goal, and of course, there's always the Delete key : )

    * HB24-1152 This bill is subject to modification once it hits the Senate floor.

    ** Senator Bob Gardner
    Senate District 12
    Webpage: Bob Gardner

    Representative Marc Snyder
    House District 18
    Webpage: Marc Snyder

    Free Chipping

    Skyway in its entirety plus Bear Creek and Midland neighborhoods' free chipping dates in 2024 are:
    • July 29–August 2
    • October 21–25
    See for the following info: 
    • Living with Wildfire town hall meeting dates and locations
    • Citywide chipping schedule
    • Chipping-prep guidelines
    • Mitigation stipend info and a list of CSFD-approved tree-cutting contractors
    Feel free to share, and if any data didn't transfer, jot me a note.