Monday, March 21, 2022

FREE Chipping June 6–10, Aug. 29–Sep. 2, 2022

Hello, neighbors,

It's our twice-annual impetus to mitigate potential wildfire. The Skyway Association has been a liaison between the CSFD and nearly 1,200 residents since 2011 because of the region’s concern about wildfire’s potential devastation.

Our free chipping dates are June 6–10, August 29–September 2, 2022. Please see CSFD's guidelines at and sign up below Chipping Requests."

You MUST REGISTER and follow CSFD guidelines, or piles will NOT be picked up. Be sure to keep a record of time and dollars spent for 2022 and submit to Melissa in early November,

So pull out your saws, cut with care, neatly stack branches butt end toward the street in 5' x 5' x 5' stacks, place within five feet of the roadway by 8:00 a.m. June 6 or August 29, and if you've signed up, the crew will chip those babies right in front of your house one of the days during the week you've selected.


Note from Melissa about the CSFD website: There is a new feature. About halfway down the form, you will see a map. If you have a resident that is unsure of what neighborhood they fall into (I know the boundaries we use are odd), they can use this tool. At the top of the map there is a box that says “Find Address or Place." They can type their address into this box, and it will pull up the neighborhood that they are in.  

Couple of notes I want to touch on for this year: 

    1. Residents can sign up at any time. 
    2. Please remind residents that they must sign-up if they want their piles chippedIf they do not sign-up, their piles will not be chipped by us. I know in the past we have been lenient with residents if they forgot to sign up. However, that will not be the case this year. With the program expanding and the number of people that we now service, we simply do not have time and we are not allowed to pick up piles that aren’t registered.
    3. Piles need to be within 5’ of the road, stacked in 5’x5’x5’ dimensions with cut ends facing the road. They can do as many piles as they want, but they can’t do a single, 20’ long pile of slash. We will not chip that. 

If you have any questions, please let me know. 

Melissa Hoffman, Colorado Springs Fire Department Wildfire Mitigation Program Coordinator

375 Printers Parkway • Colorado Springs, CO 80910

Office: 719.385.7493 • Fax: 719.385.7334

“Sharing the Responsibility”

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