Friday, September 23, 2022

Crime Stoppers—Anonymity and Rewards


I participated in an excellent presentation last eve, learning about Crime Stoppers,, 719-634-STOP (7867). Screen shots attached.

For years many have experienced long wait times to report criminal or suspicious behavior when calling the nonemergency line, 719-444-7000, and reporting online at (left column) isn’t for emergency reports, as 911 is. With each, you’ll be asked your name and phone number. Even if you do not wish to be identified, chances are, you are still traceable.

Crime Stoppers is an alternative, offering anonymity and rewards for your tips. Those answering the phone or receiving your tip online will never ask for nor even want your name or number.

A partnership between the community, schools, law enforcement, and media, and funded 100 percent by donations, Pikes Peak Area Crime Stoppers exists in El Paso and Teller counties, helping the applicable law enforcement agency—city, county, military—solve crime to bring fugitives to justice. The more successful Crime Stoppers is, the more rewards they pay, so they gratefully accept donations. 

Officially formed in Albuquerque in 1976,* Crime Stoppers began with the premise that witnesses would be willing to offer information if they could remain anonymous, with the possibility of earning cash rewards for information leading to an arrest or conviction. Crime Stoppers provides an excellent platform to more quickly get criminals off the streets.

Take time to view their site.

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